


HYUNDAI WIA opens Safety Experience Lab …” Promoting Safety Culture.”


Courtesy of HYUNDAI WIA.

Courtesy of HYUNDAI WIA.

HYUNDAI WIA will open a Safety Experience Lab next month to spread safety culture.

On April 23rd, HYUNDAI WIA announced that the Safety Experience Lab will be open in June at the headquarters in Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea. The Safety Experience Lab is a public education facility that provides high-level safety education to everyone. The company will use a 756m2 (approximately 230 square meters), two-story building that formerly served as an employee cafeteria within the headquarters for the center.

The Safety Experience Lab was designed to be an experiential zone for people to access the facility and receive education more easily and comfortably. The training sessions in the lab will educate employees to keep themselves safe by virtually experiencing safety accident situations that they may encounter in industrial sites as well as in their daily lives. The lab comprises zones for ▲ work safety, ▲ construction safety, ▲ fire safety, ▲ safety protective equipment, ▲ health and safety, ▲ and virtual safety experience. In addition, a dedicated safety training classroom will be constructed on the second floor to provide theoretical training.

HYUNDAI WIA is creating a Safety Experience Lab that focuses on 'industrial safety' education, especially in the manufacturing industry. The goal is to educate people about potential risks at industrial sites, such as constriction accidents at automation lines, accidents caused by industrial robots, electric shocks, and forklift and crane collisions and to focus on ways to prevent them. HYUNDAI WIA will allow not only employees but also suppliers and other companies in the region to receive training at the Safety Experience Lab.

Since this year, the company has been actively supporting corporate suppliers to create safer workplaces. HYUNDAI WIA provides consulting services to improve manufacturing processes that have the potential to cause safety accidents. In this regard, the Safety Experience Lab will serve as an effective means of strengthening the safety awareness of all employees, including corporate suppliers, by providing structural safety training.

HYUNDAI WIA is also planning to specialize in 'occupational health' training at the Safety Experience Lab. These include training to correct posture, which can prevent musculoskeletal diseases, safety inspection and rescue tips in confined spaces, and training on wearing protective equipment used in various industrial sites. The company aims to help workers protect their own health at industrial sites through such training. HYUNDAI WIA also opened an in-house clinic (H+) earlier this month to help employees manage their health.

Starting with the opening of the Safety Experience Lab, HYUNDAI WIA aims to create a safer and healthier company. “We are very pleased to be able to open the Safety Experience Lab next month, which we have been preparing for a long time,” “We will do our best to ensure that not only HYUNDAI WIA employees, but all others can have safety awareness and ultimately make a safer society through the Safety Experience Lab,” said an official from HYUNDAI WIA.  


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