

Board of Directors


Purpose of BoD Installation

The board of directors, members elected at the general meeting of shareholders, is a necessary permanent organization to supervise and approve corporate decision makings.

BoD Composition

BoD consists of a total of 7 members, including 3 standing directors and 4 non-standing directors. Candidates recommended from the in-house board of directors and independent director recommendation committee are elected according to the resolution at the general meeting of shareholders.

BoD Composition
Classification Title Name Position Work Experience Recent Date of Appointment Term Liability insurance
Standing Executive Director Jae-Wook Jung In charge of the whole management Current) CEO of Hyundai WIA
Director of Purchasing at Hyundai Motors
2024.03 3 years Registered
Executive Director Sha-won Kim All business affairs (Finance Representative) Current) Director of Finances at Hyundai WIA
Director of Administration Managing Group at Hyundai WIA
2022.03 3 years Registered
Executive Director Jong-Boo Lee All business affairs (Mobility Business) Current) Representative of Mobility Business at Hyundai WIA
Representative of Quality Management at Hyundai WIA
2024.03 3 years Registered
Independent Director (Non-Standing) Director Eun-Ho Kim Overall management of the enterprise
(Financial Accounting Professional)
Current) Senior Advisor of Kim & Chang law firm
Director of Busan Regional Tax Office
Director of Planning & Coordination Bureau, National Tax Service
2022.03 3 years Registered
Director Dong-Yoel Lee Overall management of the enterprise
(Legal Professional)
Current) LawVax Law firm, Managing Partner
Chief Prosecutor, the Seoul Western District Prosecutors’ Office
Concurrent) Outside director of Taihan Cable & Solution Co, Ltd (~'25.3)
2023.03 3 years Registered
Director Sung-Hoon Ahn Overall management of the enterprise
(Mechanical Engineering Professional)
Current) Professor at Seoul National University Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean of Seoul National University Graduate School of Engineering Practice
Chief Editor of International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology (IJPEM-GT)
2022.03 3 years Registered
Director Kyu-Jin Lee Overall management of the enterprise
(Mechanical Engineering Professional)
Current) Professor at Myongji University Department of Mechanical Engineering
Researcher of National Renewable Energy Laboratory
2022.03 3 years Registered

BoD Activities

Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2024.01.31 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the in-kind contribution and disposition of the tangible assets
  2. 2) Approval of the 48th Financial Statement and Business Report
  3. 3) Setting the record date to designate shareholders for dividend
  4. 4) Approval of the 2024 Business Plan
  5. 5) Approval of the Occupational Safety and Health Plans for 2024
  1. 1) Report on the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Report on the plan for supporting compliance activities for 2024
Temporary 2023.02.21 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval on the convening of the holding of general meeting of shareholders and agenda items to be submitted to such meeting
  1. 1) Report on the evaluation result of the Internal Accounting Control System for 2023
Temporary 2024.03.28 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval on the appointment of the representative director
  2. 2) Approval on the appointment of the members of the committee within the BOD
Regular 2024.04.30 Reported
  1. 1) Financial and Operational Performance Results - 2024, 1Q
  2. 2) Safety and Health Activities - 2024, 1Q Results
  3. 3) Current status of establishing information security system
Regular 2024.07.26 Reported
  1. 1) Financial and Operational Performance Results - 2024, 2Q
  2. 2) Board of Director Operational Evaluation - 2024
  3. 3) Safety and Health Activities - 2024, 2Q Results
  4. 4) Report on management issues
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2023.01.31 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 47th Financial Statement and Business Report
  2. 2) Approval for 2023 Business and Investment Plan
  3. 3) Approval of Occupational Occupational Safety and Health Plans for 2023
  1. 1) Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) ESG Operation Plan for 2023
  3. 3) Compliance Support Activities for 2022
Temporary 2023.02.21 Resolution
  1. 1) Evaluation Results of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Approval to Convene the 47th Regular Shareholders Meeting and Its Agenda
  1. 1) Evaluation result of the internal accounting management system in 2022
Temporary 2023.03.22 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of BoD committe member
Regular 2023.04.25 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Amendments to Corporate Governance & Commuincation Committee Rules
  1. 1) Business Results of 2023 1Q
  2. 2) Approval of Occupational Occupational Safety and Health Activities for 2023. 1Q
Regular 2023.07.25 Reported
  1. 1) Business Results of 2023 2Q
  2. 2) Evaluation of Board of Directors' Performance - 2023
  3. 3) Occupational Safety and Health Activities - 2023, 1Q Results
  4. 4) Results for Compliance Assistant Operation in the first half of 2023
Temporary 2023.10.12 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the resolution on the acquisition of Hyundai-wia Turbo co.
  2. 2) Setting the record date to designate shareholders to exercise the voting right
Regular 2023.10.31 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in 2024
  1. 1) Financial and Operational Performance Results - 2023, 3Q
  2. 2) Safety and Health Activities - 2023, 3Q Results
Temporary 2023.11.13 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Small-Scale Merger of Hyundai Wia Turbo Corp.
Temporary 2023.12.15 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of public notice of completion of Small-Scale Merger of Hyundai WIA Turbo Corp.
Temporary 2023.12.21 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Establishment and Equity investment of Production affiliates
  1. 1) Management plan of Hyundai Wia Rus. LLC
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2022.01.28 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 46th Financial Statement and Business Report
  2. 2) Approval for 2022 Business and Investment Plan
  3. 3) Appointment of a Compliance Officer in Charge of Operation of the CP
  4. 4) Approval of revision of internal accounting management regulations
  5. 5) Approval of Occupational Safety and Health Plans for 2022
  1. 1) Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) ESG Operation Plan for 2022
  3. 3) Compliance Support Activities for 2022
Temporary 2022.02.18 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval to Convene the 46th Regular Shareholders Meeting and Its Agenda
  1. 1) Evaluation Results of the Internal Accounting Control System
Temporary 2022.03.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of a Member to the Board of Directors Committee
  2. 2) Approval of Dual Directorship of a director
Regular 2022.04.22 Reported
  1. 1) Business Results of 2022 1Q
  2. 2) Occupational Safety and Health Activities - 2022, 1Q Results
Regular 2022.07.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of a Compliance Officer
  1. 1) Business Results of 2022 2Q
  2. 2) Evaluation of Board of Directors' Performance - 2022, 1Q
  3. 3) Occupational Safety and Health Activities - 2022, 2Q Results
Regular 2022.10.28 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in 2023
  2. 2) Approval of Disposal of treasury shares
  3. 3) Approval of Amendments to Board of Directors and its committees Rules
  1. 1) Business Results of 2022 3Q
  2. 2) ESG management Status
  3. 3) Occupational Safety and Health Activities - 2022, 3Q Results

BoD members with a particular stake in a company did not exercise their voting right for '22.3.23 BoD agenda 2) director non-compete agreement.

Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2021.01.29 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 45th Financial Statement and Business Report
  2. 2) Approval for 2021 Business and Investment Plan
  3. 3) Appointment of a Compliance Officer in Charge of Operation of the CP
  1. 1) Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) 2020 ESG rating results and Plans for ESG in 2021
  3. 3) Report on operation of compliance support activities in 2020 and the plans for 2021
Temporary 2021.02.19 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval to Convene the 45th Regular Shareholders Meeting and Its Agenda
  1. 1) Evalutation Results of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Occupational Safety and Health Management Status
Temporary 2021.03.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of a Chief Executive Officer
  2. 2) Appoiontment of a member of the Outside Director Candidate Nomination Committee
  3. 3) Approval of Dual Directorship of a director
  4. 4) Approval of Occupational Safety and Health Plan in 2021
Regular 2021.04.23 Reported
  1. 1) Business Results of 2021 1Q
  2. 2) Safety and health activity’s results in the 1Q
Temporary 2021.06.07 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Equity Investment in New K CNC Corporation
Regular 2021.07.23 Reported
  1. 1) Business Results of 2021 2Q
  2. 2) Status of 2021 ESG Management
  3. 3) Safety and health activity’s results in the 2Q
  4. 4) Results for Compliance Assistant Operation in the first half of 2021
Temporary 2021.09.06 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Establishment and Equity Investment in HYUNDAI WIA Alabama
  2. 2) Approval of Singapore Branch Office Establishment
Regular 2021.10.29 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in 2022
  2. 2) Appointment of Compliance Officer in 2021
  1. 1) Business Results of 2021 3Q
  2. 2) Safety and health activity’s results in the 3Q
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2020.01.29 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 44th Financial Statement and Business Report
  2. 2) Approval for 2020 Business and Investment Plan
  3. 3) Approval for Self-Dealing Between the Company and Directors or Major Shareholders
  4. 4) Approval to Raise the Transaction Limit with the Largest Shareholder and Others
  5. 5) Appointment of a Compliance officer in charge of operation of the CP
  6. 6) Approval for corporate governance charter enactment
  7. 7) Approval for installation of transparent management committee and enactment of its regulations
  8. 8) Election of transparent management committee member
  1. 1) Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the Second Half of 2019 and Plans for the First Half of 2020
  3. 3) Report on Operation of compliance support activities in the 4th Quarter and the plans for 2020
  4. 4) Results of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in the 4th Quarter and the plans for 2020
  5. 5) ESG evaluation result
Temporary 2020.02.28 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval to Convene the 44th Regular Shareholders Meeting and Its Agenda
  2. 2) Approval for the introduction of Electronic voting
  1. 1) Results of 2019 Final Audit
  2. 2) Evaluation of the Internal Accounting Management Policy Operation for 2020
  3. 3) Report on the internal audit for 2020
Temporary 2020.03.25 Resolution
  1. 1) Election of committee chairman and member inside board of directors
  2. 2) Approval for license registration for information and communication works business
  3. 3) Approval of Dual Directorship of an internal director
Regular 2020.04.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of takeover of Shandong Subsidiary
  1. 1) Business Results of 2020 1Q
  2. 2) Results of Compliacne support activities in the 1st Quarter of 2020
Regular 2020.07.24 Reported
  1. 1) Business Results of 2020 2Q
  2. 2) Results of Compliacne support activities in the 2nd Quarter 2020
Temporary 2020.10.15 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the issuance of corporate bonds
Regular 2020.10.30 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in '21
  2. 2) Installation of remuneration committee and enactment of its regulations
  3. 3) Election of remuneration committee member
  4. 4) Approval of the revision of the regulations of the Board of Diretors
  1. 1) Business Results of 2020 3Q
  2. 2) Results of Compliacne support activities in the 3rd Quarter of 2020
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2019.01.25 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 43rd financial statement and business report
  2. 2) Approval of 2019 business plan and investment plan
  3. 3) Approval of self-dealing between directors and major shareholders
    (16 companies including Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors)
  4. 4) Approval of the total transaction limit with the largest shareholder and the like
    (7 companies including Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors)
  5. 5) Appointment of a Compliance officer in charge of operation of the CP
  6. 6) Approval of revision of internal accounting management regulations
  7. 7) Approval of participation of promoters of non-profit associations
  1. 1) Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the Second Half of 2018 and Plans for the First Half of 2019
  3. 3) Plans for Compliacne support activities
  4. 4) Plan for social contribution activities
Temporary 2019.02.19 Resolution
  1. 1) Convocation of the 43rd regular general shareholders' meeting and approval of agenda items
  1. 1) Evalutation Results of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Results of the final audit in 2018
Temporary 2019.03.15 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of Chairman of Audit Committee
  2. 2) Appointment of Chairman and Members of the Independent Director Recommendation Committee
  3. 3) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
  4. 4) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
Regular 2019.04.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
  2. 2) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  3. 3) Approval of the revision of the duties regulations of the Audit Committee
  1. 1) Financial Results for the 1st Quarter of 2019
  2. 2) 2019 audit plan
Regular 2019.07.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  1. 1) Financial Results for the 2nd quarter of 2019
  2. 2) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the First Half of 2019 and Plans for the Second Half
  3. 3) Compliance Support Activities for the First half of 2019
  4. 4) Report on social contribution activities in the first half
  5. 5) Transitioning a method to participate as an Incorporator of the Machine Tool Non-profit Corporation
Regular 2019.10.25 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of investment in engine plant in Russia
  2. 2) Approval of product and service transactions with the same person, etc., affiliated companies for the year '20
  3. 3) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in '20
  4. 4) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  1. 1) Financial Results for the 3rd quarter of 2019
  2. 2) Compliance support activities in the third quarter of 2019
  3. 3) Performance of social contribution activities in the third quarter of 2019
Categor Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2018.01.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 42nd financial statements
  2. 2) Approval of 2018 business plan and investment plan
  3. 3) Approval of self-dealing between directors and major shareholders
    (17 companies including Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors)
  4. 4) Approval of the total transaction limit with the largest shareholder
    (7 companies including Hyundai Motor Company and Kia Motors)
  5. 5) Appointment of a Compliance officer in charge of operation of the CP
  1. 1) Results of evaluation of the operation status of the internal accounting management system
  2. 2) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the Second Half of 2017 and Plans for the First Half of 2018
Temporary 2018.02.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of business report
  2. 2) Convocation of the 42nd regular general shareholders' meeting and approval of agendas
  1. 1) 2017 Final Audit Results Report
Temporary 2018.03.16 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of CEO
  2. 2) Appointment of members of the Outside Director Candidate Nomination Committee
  3. 3) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  4. 4) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
Regular 2018.04.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  1. 1) Financial results for the first quarter of 2018
Temporary 2018.06.22 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the change in product and service transactions with an affiliated company such as the same person in the second quarter of '18
Regular 2018.07.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
  2. 2) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  1. 1) Financial Results for the 2nd quarter of 2018
  2. 2) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the First Half of 2018 and Plans for the Second Half
Temporary 2018.09.20 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the change in the transaction of goods and services with an affiliated company such as the same person in the third quarter of '18
  2. 2) Approval of the change in product and service transactions with the same person or affiliated companies in the fourth quarter of '18
Regular 2018.10.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of product and service transactions with the same person, etc., investment affiliated companies annually in '19
  2. 2) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in '19
  3. 3) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
  4. 4) Appointment of a Compliance Officer
  1. 1) Financial Results for the 3rd quarter of 2018
  2. 2) Performance of social contribution activities in 2018
Temporary 2018.11.30 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of transfer of assets to its related party
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2017.01.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 41st financial statement and business report
  2. 2) Approval of 2017 business plan and investment plan
  3. 3) Approval of transactions between directors and major shareholders
  4. 4) Approval of the total transaction limit with the largest shareholder, etc.
  5. 5) Appointment of a Compliance officer in charge of operation of the CP
  6. 6) Appointment of manager
  1. 1) Evaluation Results of the operation status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) 2016 stock trading and corporate bond issuance performance
  3. 3) Report on the operation results of Fair Trade Compliance Programs and Plans
Temporary 2017.02.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Convocation of the 41st regular general shareholders' meeting and approval of agendas
Temporary 2017.03.17 Resolution
  1. 1) Appointment of CEO
  2. 2) Appointment of members of the Outside Director Candidate Nomination Committee
Regular 2017.04.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the first quarter of 2017
  2. 2) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions
Regular 2017.07.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the second quarter of 2017
  1. 1) Report on the operation results of Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the First Half of 2017 and Plans for the Second Half
Temporary 2017.08.31 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of participation in the capital increase of Shandong corporation
  2. 2) Approval of extension of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
  3. 3) Approval of internal transactions with its related party
Regular 2017.10.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the third quarter of 2017
  2. 2) Approval of increase of US corporation
  3. 3) Approval of increase of the Mexican subsidiary
  4. 4) Approval of capital increase by Hyundai Wia Turbo
  5. 5) Approval of transfer of assets to its related party
Temporary 2017.12.21 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product and service transaction plan with an affiliated company invested by the same person, etc.
  2. 2) Approval of insurance transaction with its related party
  3. 3) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in '18
  4. 4) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Regular 2016.01.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 40th financial statement and business report
  2. 2) Approval of 2016 business plan and investment plan
  3. 3) Approval of transactions between directors and major shareholders
  4. 4) Approval of the total transaction limit with the largest shareholder, etc.
  5. 5) Appointment of a Compliance officer in charge of operation of the CP
  1. 1) Evaluation Results of the Operational status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) Performance of stock trading and corporate bond issuance of other corporations in 2015
  3. 3) Report on Compliance Operation Results for the Second Half of 2015 and Plans for the First Half of 2016
Temporary 2016.02.19 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of new facility investment in Seosan multi-engine engine plant
  2. 2) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
  3. 3) Approval of participation in paid-in capital increase of Hyundai Wia IHI
Temporary 2016.02.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of resolution and negative agenda for the 40th regular shareholders' meeting
Temporary 2016.03.18 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 78th corporate bond issuance
  2. 2) Approval of the change of product/service transaction in the first quarter of 2016 with an affiliated company such as the same person
Regular 2016.04.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the first quarter of 2016
  2. 2) Appointment of a Compliance Officer
  3. 3) Approval of branch closure
Temporary 2016.06.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of purchase of real estate from its related party
Regular 2016.07.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the second quarter of 2016
  1. 1) Report on Compliance Operation Results for the First Half of 2016 and Plans for the Second Half of 2016
Regular 2016.10.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the third quarter of 2016
Temporary 2016.12.08 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of acquisition and disposal of treasury stock
Temporary 2016.12.21 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product/service transaction plan with an affiliated company invested by the same person, etc.
  2. 2) Approval of change in product/service transactions with affiliates with investments such as the same person in the fourth quarter of '16
  3. 3) Approval of insurance transaction with its related party
  4. 4) Approval of the limit on issuance of corporate bonds in 2017
  5. 5) Approval of Limit on Financial transaction with affiliated financial companies under terms and conditions in accordance with the Act on
Category Date of Meeting Agenda Result
Temporary 2015.01.15 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of conclusion of investment contract for factory establishment in Mexico
Regular 2015.01.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the 39th financial statement and business report
  2. 2) Approval of 2015 business plan and investment plan
  3. 3) Approval of transactions between directors and major shareholders
  4. 4) Approval of the total transaction limit with the largest shareholder, etc.
  5. 5) Approval of the 76th corporate bond issuance
  6. 6) Appointment of a Compliance Officer in Charge of Operation of the CP
  7. 7) Approval of branch relocation
  1. 1) Evaluation Results of the Operational status of the Internal Accounting Control System
  2. 2) 2014 performance of stock trading and corporate bond issuance
  3. 3) Report on the Operation rResults of Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the Second Half of 2014 and Plans for the First Half of 2015
Temporary 2015.02.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of resolution and negative agenda for the 39th regular shareholders' meeting
Temporary 2015.03.20 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product/service transaction plan for the second quarter of 2015 with an affiliated company such as the same person
Regular 2015.04.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the first quarter of 2015
  2. 2) Approval of the 77th corporate bond issuance
Temporary 2015.06.26 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product/service transaction plan for the 3rd quarter of 2015 with an affiliated company such as the same person
  2. 2) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary
Regular 2015.07.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the second quarter of 2015
  1. 1) Report on the operation results of the Fair Trade Compliance Programs for the First Half of 2015 and Plans for the Second Half of 2015
Temporary 2015.09.24 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product/service transaction plan for the fourth quarter of 2015 with an affiliated company such as the same person
Regular 2015.10.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of financial statements for the third quarter of 2015
Temporary 2015.11.27 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of transfer of assets to its related party
Temporary 2015.12.23 Resolution
  1. 1) Approval of the product/service transaction plan for the first quarter of 2016 with an affiliated company such as the same person
  2. 2) Approval of loan guarantee for Mexican subsidiary

Operating Evaluation of Board of Directors

The company evaluates the adequacy of the operation of the Board of Directors once a year. In order to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the operation of the Board of Directors, the company conducts the Board of Directors Evaluation, and to secure the transparency and objectivity of the evaluation, the evaluation is carried out only by the independent directors. Based on the results of this evaluation, the company is making efforts to continuously improve the governance structure by seeking for improvements in the operation of the Board of Directors.

Categor Role of the board Board Structure Board Operation Board committee Total
Evaluation questions 2 areas, 5 questions 3 areas, 11 questions 2 areas, 9 questions 6 areas, 27 questions 13 areas, 52 questions
Evaluation score (Average) 4.95 4.95 4.97 5.00 4.97

※ The evaluation is based on the Korea Corporate Governance Service Board evaluation guidelines.

※ Evaluation method: Anonymous questionnaire

※ Evaluation by item: Evaluated on 5-point scale (1. Strongly Disagree - 2. Disagree - 3. Neutral - 4. Agree - 5. Strongly Agree)

Categor Role of the board Board Structure Board Operation Board committee Total
Evaluation questions 2 areas, 5 questions 3 areas, 11 questions 2 areas, 9 questions 3 areas, 11 questions 10 areas, 36 questions
Evaluation score (Average) 5.00 4.93 4.97 4.98 4.97

※ The evaluation is based on the Korea Corporate Governance Service Board evaluation guidelines.

※ Evaluation method: Anonymous questionnaire

※ Evaluation by item: Evaluated on 5-point scale (1. Strongly Disagree - 2. Disagree - 3. Neutral - 4. Agree - 5. Strongly Agree)

Categor Role of the board Board Structure Board Operation Board committee Total
Evaluation questions 2 areas, 5 questions 3 areas, 11 questions 2 areas, 9 questions 3 areas, 11 questions 10 areas, 36 questions
Evaluation score (Average) 4.96 4.87 4.64 4.93 4.84

※ The evaluation is based on the Korea Corporate Governance Service Board evaluation guidelines.

※ Evaluation method: Anonymous questionnaire

※ Evaluation by item: Evaluated on 5-point scale (1. Strongly Disagree - 2. Disagree - 3. Neutral - 4. Agree - 5. Strongly Agree)


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