



Issued Shares

(As of Dec 31, 2023) (Unit : share,%

Issued Shares
Type of Share Issued Shares Total Amount Remarks
Common shares 27,195,083 135,975,415,000  
Preferred shares - -  
Total 27,195,083 135,975,415,000  

(Par Value : KRW 5,000)


(As of Dec 31, 2023) (Unit : share,%)

Classification Shareholder Type of Share No. of Shares Ownership percentage Remarks
Largest Shareholders / Related Party Hyundai Motor Common 6,893,596 25.35  
Kia Common 3,654,004 13.44  
Eui-sun Chung Common 531,095 1.95 Affiliate Executive
Total     11,078,695 40.74  

※ The Company holds 549,320(2.02%) treasury stocks

Dividend History

Dividend History
Classification 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Par value per share (won) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Net income (in million won) 91,461 65,416 62,320 60,971 55,207
Earnings per share (won) 3,432 2,463 2,346 2,295 2,078
Total Dividend Amount (KRW Million) 22,649 18,652 18,593 18,593 18,593
Cash Dividend Payout Ratio (%) 24.8 28.5 29.8 30.5 33.7
Cash Dividend Rate of Return (%) Common shares 1.5 1.3 0.9 1.5 1.4
Preferred shares - - - - -
Cash Dividend Per Share (KRW Won) Common shares 850 700 700 700 700
Preferred shares - - - - -

※ In the consolidated financial statement, net profit is attributed to the net profit of the parent interest holders

※ Mid-to Long-term (next 3 years) Dividend policy: Dividend Payout Ratio Based on Consolidated financial statements would be operated flexibly within the range of 20% ~ 30 %. (Determinants of Dividend Policy: Targeted Dividend Payout Ratio: 20% ~ 30%, Duration: Over 3 years)

Matters related to general meetings of shareholders

48th (2023) 
48th (2023)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2024.03.28 16,905,971 Resolution Item 1 : Approval of the 48th Financial Statements Approved as originally submitted 98.1%
Item 2 : Appointment of a Director    
Item 2-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Jae-wook Jung) r Approved as originally submitted 95.2%
Item 2-2 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Jong-Boo Lee) Approved as originally submitted 96.5%
Item 3 : Approval of limit for Directors' Remuneration Approved as originally submitted 99.8%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operation Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

Attendance rate excluding largest shareholders and related party : 37.4%

47th (2022) 
47th (2022)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2023.03.22 16,136,809 Resolution Item 1 : Partial changes in articles of incorporation Approved as originally submitted 99.9%
Item 2 : Approval of the 47th financial statements Approved as originally submitted 97.5%
Item 3: Appointment of a Director    
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Dong-Yoel Lee) Approved as originally submitted 99.9%
Item 4 : Appointment of Members to the Audit Committee    
Item 4-1 : Appointment of a member to the Audit Committee (Kyu-Jin Lee) Approved as originally submitted 97.9%
Item 4-2 : Appointment of a member to the Audit Committeer (Dong-Yoel Lee) Approved as originally submitted 99.6%
Item 5 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors    
Item 5-1 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 83.6%
Item 5-2 : Approval of the director's retirement allowance Approved as originally submitted 76.1%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

Attendance rate excluding largest shareholders and related party : 32.5%

46th (2021) 
46th (2021)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2022.03.23 16,172,179 Resolution Item 1 : Approval of the 46th financial statements Approved as originally submitted 97.9%
Item 2 : Appointment of Directors    
Item 2-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Sha-won Kim) Approved as originally submitted 99.4%
Item 2-2 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Sung-hoon Ahn) Approved as originally submitted 80.8%
Item 2-3 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Kyu-Jin Lee) Approved as originally submitted 99.6%
Item 3 : Appointment of an Outside Director joining a member of the Audit Committee (Eun-ho Kim) Approved as originally submitted 79.6%
Item 4 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 92.3%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

Attendance rate excluding largest shareholders and related party : 32.9%

45th (2020) 
45th (2020)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2021.03.24 17,461,347 Resolution Item 1 : Amendment to the Articles of Association Approved as originally submitted 99.9%
Item 2 : Approval of the 45th financial statements Approved as originally submitted 97.2%
Item 3 : Appointment of Directors    
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Jae-wook Jung) Approved as originally submitted 98.8%
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Bong-woo Lee ) Approved as originally submitted 97.9%
Item 4 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 99.6%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

Attendance rate excluding largest shareholders and related party : 41.2%

44th (2019) 
44th (2019)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2020.03.25 18,221,976 Resolution Item 1 : Amendment to the Articles of Association Approved without ammendment 99.6%
Item 2 : Approval of the 44th financial statements Approved without ammendment 95%
Item 3 : Appointment of Directors    
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Moon-Sang Shin) Approved as originally submitted 86.3%
Item 3-2 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Ik-hyun Nam) Approved as originally submitted 89%
Item 3-3 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Sung-guk Cho) Approved as originally submitted 96.6%
Item 4 : Appointment of Audit Committee Members    
Item 4-1 : Appointment of an Audit Committee Member (Ik-hyun Nam) Approved as originally submitted 71.9%
Item 4-2 : Appointment of an Audit Committee Member (Sung-guk Cho) Approved as originally submitted 93%
Item 5 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 99.5%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

(The number of stocks with voting rights for each agenda of the general shareholders' meeting differs due to the application of related laws and regulations, and accordingly, the number of stocks in attendance may differ.)

43th (2018) 
43th (2018)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2019.03.15 16,835,405 Resolution Item 1 : Amendment to the Articles of Association Approved as originally submitted 100.0%
Item 2 : Approval of the 43th financial statement Approved as originally submitted 98.7%
Item 3 : Appointment of Directors
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Eun-ho Kim) Approved as originally submitted 99.2%
Item 3-2 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Sung-hoon An) Approved as originally submitted 79.3%
Item 4 : Appointment of audit members    
Item 4-1 : Appointment of an Audit Committee member (Eun-ho Kim) Approved as originally submitted 97.3%
Item 4-2 : Appointment of an Audit Committee member (Sung-kook Cho) Approved as originally submitted 98.8%
Item 5 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 79.7%

Business reports

Audit reports

Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Control System

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

(The number of stocks with voting rights for each agenda of the general shareholders' meeting differs due to the application of related laws and regulations, and accordingly, the number of stocks in attendance may differ.)

42th (2017) 
42th (2017)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2018.03.16 17,671,192 Resolution Item 1 : Amendment to the Articles of Association Approved as originally submitted 97.3%
Item 2 : Appointment of Directors    
Item 2-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Kyung-bae Kim) Approved as originally submitted 99.5%
Item 2-2 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Jung-yeon Choi) Approved as originally submitted 99.5%
Item 2-3 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Sang-heun Lee) Approved as originally submitted 99.5%
Item 3 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 80.4%

Business reports

Audit reports

Ratificiation of the Selection of an Indepedent Auditor

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

(The number of stocks with voting rights for each agenda of the general shareholders' meeting differs due to the application of related laws and regulations, and accordingly, the number of stocks in attendance may differ.)

41th (2016) 
41th (2016)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result Approval rate
General Meeting 2017.03.17 16,995,569 Resolution Item 1 : Approval of the 41th financial statement Approved as originally submitted 98.3%
Item 2 : Changes to the Articles of Association Approved as originally submitted 98.3%
Item 3 : Appointment of Directors
Item 3-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Joon-mo Yoon) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
Item 3-2 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Myung-ho Lee) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
Item 3-3 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Byung-dae Lee) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
Item 3-4 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Ji-sang Chang) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
Item 3-5 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Ik-hyun Nam) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
-Item 3-6 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Sung-kook Cho) Approved as originally submitted 98.4%
Item 4 : Appointment of Audit Committee Members    
Item 4-1 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Byung-dae Lee) Approved as originally submitted 99.0%
Item 4-2 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Ji-sang Chang) Approved as originally submitted 99.0%
Item 4-3 : Appointment of an Outside Director (Ik-hyun Nam) Approved as originally submitted 99.0%
Item 5 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted 98.4%

Business reports

Audit reports

Ratificiation of the Selection of an Indepedent Auditor

- -

Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

(The number of stocks with voting rights for each agenda of the general shareholders' meeting differs due to the application of related laws and regulations, and accordingly, the number of stocks in attendance may differ.)

40th (2015) 
40th (2015)
Category Date of Meeting Number of Attended Stocks Agenda Result
General Meeting 2016.03.18 19,950,887 Resolution Item 1 : Approval of the 40th financial statement Approved as originally submitted
Item 2 : Appointment of a Director  
Item 2-1 : Appointment of an Inside Director (Il-geun Son) Approved as originally submitted
Item 3 : Approval of the limit of compensation for directors Approved as originally submitted

Business reports

Audit reports

Ratificiation of the Selection of an Indepedent Auditor


Number of Attended Stocks : Based on total number of stocks present among common stocks with voting rights announced at the time of the declaration of opening

(The number of stocks with voting rights for each agenda of the general shareholders' meeting differs due to the application of related laws and regulations, and accordingly, the number of stocks in attendance may differ.)

Shareholder Proposal

What is a Shareholder Proposal? 

What is a Shareholder Proposal?

Shareholder Proposal refers to the right to propose to directors of a company that some issues be raised as agenda items for the general meeting of shareholders. (Article 363-2 of the Commercial Act)

Shareholders who hold a certain percentage of issued and outstanding shares of a listed company may make a proposal, and the two or more shareholders may jointly meet the shareholding requirements (Article 363-2(1), 542-6(2), and 542-6(8) of the Commercial Act)

How to Make a Shareholder Proposal 

1.Submission Deadline

Six (6) weeks prior to the date of the year corresponding to the date of the general meeting of shareholders of the preceding year


  1. Documents in writing or by electronic documents
  2. ① Address (for the written documents) : 16th-floor, 37, Cheoldobangmulgwan-ro, Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  3. ② e-mail (for the electronic documents) :

3. Qualification

  1. Shareholders who own three (3) percent or more of the total number of issued and outstanding voting shares, or any shareholder who has continued to hold shares equivalent to one (1) percent or more of the total number of issued and outstanding shares of a company for more than six months
  2. ① When determining whether the shareholding requirement (continuous holding for at least 6 months) is met, the starting date is calculated by counting back 6 months from the day before the date on which the shareholder proposal was submitted (in writing or by electronic documents).
  3. ② Document to be submitted : Certificate of actual shareholders issued by the Korea Securities Depository, Statement of transaction details (Proof of retention required)


The Company shall have no obligation to accept the shareholder proposal that fails to comply with the requirements, submission deadline and etc. set forth in the relevant laws and regulations.

Internal Process 

1. Directors shall review the shareholders' proposals in relation to

  1. ① the appropriateness of the contents of the shareholder's proposal,
  2. ② whether the shareholder meets the equity holding requirements and provides supporting documents, and
  3. ③ whether the shareholders comply with the submission deadline set forth in the relevant laws and regulations.

2. If such reviews conclude that the shareholders rightfully exercised his/her right to make a proposal, such proposal shall be reported to the board of directors

3. The board of directors shall include such proposals in the agenda item for the upcoming general meeting of shareholders

Criteria for Rejection of Shareholder Proposals 
  1. 1. where the proposal is violation of laws or articles of incorporation
  2. 2. Where a proposal is presented again within three years from the date on which a proposal with the same content was rejected for having received approval of less than 10% of the votes at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. 3. Where the proposal concerns a shareholder's personal grievance.
  4. 4. Where the proposal concerns a matter that involves a right of minority shareholders obligated to hold shares in excess of a certain ratio to exercise shareholders' rights.
  5. 5. Where the proposal concerns a matter that involves the removal of an incumbent executive officer.
  6. 6.Where the proposal concerns a matter that the company is unable to materialize, is based on an evidently false ground, or defames a particular person.


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