

ESG Grade


ESG Evaluation Grade

Evaluated by Korea Institute of corporate governance and sustainability
Agencies Category 2020년 2021년 2022년 2023년
KCGS Combination A A A A+ (Top 2.4%)
Environment A A A A+
Society A+ A+ A A+
Governance structure A A B+ A
Ecovadis Ratings - - Silver Gold (Top 5%)

※ KCGS (Korea Institute of corporate governance and sustainability) evaluates company's management structure for sustainability and assesses non-financial management risks that could potentially harm shareholder value.

※ EcoVadis, a widely recognized assessment platform, specializes in evaluating supply chain sustainability, encompassing a diverse range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts.

Evaluation Standard

Evaluation Grade
S It has a very good system suggested in environmental, social and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is very little room for damage to shareholder value due to corporate governance risk.
A+ It has a good system suggested in environmental, social and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is considerably little room for damage to shareholder value due to corporate governance risk.
A It has an adequate system suggested in environmental, social and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is little room for damage to shareholder value due to ESG risk.
B+ Some efforts are required to establish the system suggested in the environmental, social, and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is some room for damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
B A lot of effort is required to establish the system suggested in the environmental, social, and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is room for damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
C It is absolutely necessary to make an effort to establish the system suggested in the environmental, social, and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is a great deal of potential for damage to shareholder value due to ESG risk.
D It is hardly equipped with the system suggested in the environmental, social, and corporate governance standards of the Korea Corporate Governance Service, and there is concern about the realization of damage to shareholder value due to ESG risks.
Category Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
'23 Top 1% Top 5% Top 15% Top35%
'22 Top 1% Top 5% Top 25% Top 50%

※ Relative evaluation of percentile as a result of the evaluation of the same industry group


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